Are you considering applying for a cash advance on your inheritance but are afraid about what other heirs might think about it? We understand—you’re worried that when it’s time to repay, their shares will be affected too. This may cause some tension among your family members, and you don’t want to fall out with them over some money.

We bring you great news—you can take an inheritance advance without affecting any other heirs in the process. How is this possible, you wonder. When you apply for an advance with us, we’re interested in your share only, and when the probate process is over, we’re repaid directly from your portion of the estate. This way, you can rest assured that others’ shares of the family probate case will remain intact. 

As you can see, by taking a cash advance on your inheritance, you don’t risk upsetting other rightful heirs. This only affects the portion that is yours, and you can do whatever you want with your own money.

Are there any risks to taking an inheritance advance?

There are absolutely no risks and no strings attached. You can get access to a portion of your funds in less than three days after you apply and complete the necessary paperwork. Even if the inheritance process drags on, you won’t have to repay us before the probate. You’re not personally responsible for paying us off at all—we wait as long as it takes and get paid back directly from your portion of the estate.

You’ll never incur any fees either. You get quoted a fixed fee upfront, and that’s all you’ll ever have to pay. 

Am I eligible for an inheritance advance?

If you’re worried about not having a good enough credit score, you can rest easy. We don’t care if you have no credit or bad credit because the only thing we look at to decide if you’re eligible is what’s in the estate.

We also don’t dictate how you can spend the advance. Whether you need to make a mortgage payment, go on a holiday, or buy yourself a new car, you can. We’re not interested in what you need the cash for. After all, it is your money—we’re just making sure you get it sooner.

How can I apply for an inheritance advance?

Once you reach out to us, we’ll walk you through the process step by step. You’ll get a free consultation with one of our professional and friendly funding executives. They will answer any questions you might have and fill you in on the details of the process and our pricing.

We’ll then go over the information about the inheritance, focusing on your share, to determine if there are enough assets in it to fund your advance. When we decide you’re eligible, we complete your agreements, and you get your cash within 24 hours. It’s that simple!